DBT Services

In order for treatment to be considered DBT, it consist of weekly individual DBT sessions, weekly skills training group, phone coaching by the individual therapist to generalize skills, and it is provided by an intensively trained DBT team that meets weekly for DBT consultation.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy includes weekly individual therapy sessions in which various DBT strategies are used within an individualized treatment plan customized to meet the specific goals of the client.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy includes a weekly skills training group which, unlike traditional group psychotherapy, is for the purpose of teaching skills that are organized into five areas:

  • MINDFULNESS -The practice of being aware, focused, and present.
  • EMOTION REGULATION -The ability to understand emotions, decrease emotional vulnerability and intensity.
  • INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS -The ability to have one’s needs meet while maintaining relationships and self-respect.
  • DISTRESS TOLERANCE -The practice of tolerating painful situations without making things worse.
  • WALKING THE MIDDLE PATH -The ability to think dialectically, to validate self and others, and to understand basic principles of behaviorism.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy clients have access to phone coaching. Skills coaching provide clients the opportunity to integrate new skills into real life situations with the support of their therapist.
Individuals in Dialectical Behavior Therapy are treated via a team approach. Weekly DBT team consultation meetings provide therapists the opportunity to collaborate, receive education and support, and provide cohesive DBT treatment while staying balanced in their approach. In DBT, a therapist is not considered to be meeting the requirements of the treatment unless they are meeting weekly in a DBT consultation team.